
Jadeit Pastelowy Kule 18mm Mleczny Szary Sznur 40cm

Jadeit Pastelowy Kule 18mm Mleczny Szary...

Jadeity Pastelowe kulka 18mm. Korale z kamieni ozdobnych w gatunku pierwszymDługość sznura ok. 40 cm (ok.23sztuki)Cena za jeden sznur Półfabrykat - bez zapięcia. Idealne na bransoletki na gumce lub naszyjniki.

36.00 zł
Jade balls facetted 6mm Tanzanite cord approx. 40cm

Jade balls facetted 6mm Tanzanite cord a...

Jade facetted 6mm ball.Beads of decorative stones in the first gradeThe cord length approx. 40 cm (ok.64 pieces)Price for a single ropeBlank - without fastening.Perfect for bracelets or necklaces on elastic.

18.00 zł
Jadeit Kule Fasetowane 12mm Beże Sznur ok. 40cm

Jadeit Kule Fasetowane 12mm Beże Sznur o...

Jadeity Fasetowane kulka 12mm. Korale z kamieni ozdobnych w gatunku pierwszymDługość sznura ok. 40 cm. Cena za jeden sznur Półfabrykat - bez zapięcia. Idealne na bransoletki na gumce lub naszyjniki.

20.50 zł
Howlit Niebieski Kule 10mm Sznur 40cm

Howlit Niebieski Kule 10mm Sznur 40cm

Howlit kula 10mm Korale z kamieni ozdobnych w gatunku pierwszymDługość sznura ok. 40 cm (ok. 40 sztuk)Cena za jeden sznur Półfabrykat - bez zapięcia. Idealne na bransoletki na gumce lub naszyjniki.

21.00 zł
Howlit Biały Kule 12 mm

Howlit Biały Kule 12 mm

Howlit biały ze słaboszklistym połyskiem, kulka w rozmiarze 12 mm. Naturalny kamień dobrej jakości, idealny do wyrobu naszyjników, pojedynczych i wielosplotowych oraz do modnych bransoletek jedno i wielorzędowych na nici jedwabnej lub kordonku czy strunie jubilerskiej 0.3-0.5 mm. Nawiert standardowy, długość sznura ok. 38. Cena za 1 sznur.

34.00 zł
Jaspis Krajobrazowy Kule Fasetowane 10mm Sznur ok.40cm

Jaspis Krajobrazowy Kule Fasetowane 10mm...

Cena za sznur 40 centymetrówBardzo dobra jakość

31.00 zł
Jasper Autumn balls 6mm Cord 40cm

Jasper Autumn balls 6mm Cord 40cm

Price for Cord 40cm

18.00 zł
Jade balls facetted 8mm Salmon Pink cord 40cm

Jade balls facetted 8mm Salmon Pink cord...

Jade ball facetted 8mm.Beads of decorative stones in the first gradeThe cord length approx. 40 cm.Price for a single ropeBlank - without fastening.Perfect for bracelets or necklaces on elastic.

16.00 zł
Jade balls faceted 8mm orange cord 40cm

Jade balls faceted 8mm orange cord 40cm

Jade beads faceted 8mm. First grade stone beads Cord length approx. 40 cm. Price for a single string String stones - without clasp Perfect for bracelets or necklaces

16.00 zł
Jade balls faceted 8mm color mix Cord 40cm

Jade balls faceted 8mm color mix Cord 40...

Jade beads faceted 8mm. First grade stone beads Cord length approx. 40 cm. Price for a single string String stones - without clasp Perfect for bracelets or necklaces  

38.00 zł
Jade balls faceted 8mm Pistachio cord 40cm

Jade balls faceted 8mm Pistachio cord 40...

Jade beads faceted 8mm. First grade stone beads Cord length approx. 40 cm. Price for a single string String stones - without clasp Perfect for bracelets or necklaces

16.00 zł
Jade Matt balls 6mm Raspberry Red Rope approx. 40cm

Jade Matt balls 6mm Raspberry Red Rope a...

Matt jade ball 6mm.Beads of decorative stones in the first gradeThe cord length approx. 40 cm.Price for a single ropeBlank - without fastening.Perfect for bracelets or necklaces on elastic.

9.00 zł
Jade Matt Ball 6mm Pink

Jade Matt Ball 6mm Pink

Price for one piece

19.00 zł
Jade Matt Delicate Pink Bullets 6mm cord approx. 40cm

Jade Matt Delicate Pink Bullets 6mm cord...

Matt jade ball 6mm.Beads of decorative stones in the first gradeThe cord length approx. 40 cm.Price for a single ropeBlank - without fastening.Perfect for bracelets or necklaces on elastic.

9.00 zł
Jade Matt Ball 6mm Aquamarine Cord ca 40cm

Jade Matt Ball 6mm Aquamarine Cord ca 40...

Matt jade ball 6mm.Beads of decorative stones in the first gradeThe cord length approx. 40 cm.Price for a single ropeBlank - without fastening.Perfect for bracelets or necklaces on elastic.

9.00 zł
Jade Matt balls 6mm Soft Mint cord approx. 40cm

Jade Matt balls 6mm Soft Mint cord appro...

Matt jade ball 6mm.Beads of decorative stones in the first gradeThe cord length approx. 40 cm.Price for a single ropeBlank - without fastening.Perfect for bracelets or necklaces on elastic.

9.00 zł
Jade Matt beads 8mm Blue cord 40cm

Jade Matt beads 8mm Blue cord 40cm

Matt Jade beads, 8mm. First grade stone beads String  length approx. 40 cm. Price for a single string Stones string - without clasp Perfect for bracelets or necklaces

22.00 zł
 Jade Matt beads 8mm Purple Cord 40cm

Jade Matt beads 8mm Purple Cord 40cm

Matt Jade beads, 8mm. First grade stone beads String  length approx. 40 cm. Price for a single string Stones string - without clasp Perfect for bracelets or necklaces

12.00 zł
Jade Matt beads 8mm Green cord 40cm

Jade Matt beads 8mm Green cord 40cm

Matt Jade beads, 8mm. First grade stone beads String  length approx. 40 cm. Price for a single string Stones string - without clasp Perfect for bracelets or necklaces

12.00 zł
Jade Matt beads 8mm Strong Roses cord 40cm

Jade Matt beads 8mm Strong Roses cord 40...

Matt Jade beads, 8mm. First grade stone beads String  length approx. 40 cm. Price for a single string Stones string - without clasp Perfect for bracelets or necklaces

11.00 zł