Cairo night facetted 13-14mm balls Cord ...
Cairo night facetted 13-14mm balls
Cat's Eye, 10mm dark blue balls Cord 38p...
Cat's Eye, 10mm dark blue balls Cord
Cat's Eye, balls, 10mm apricot Cord 38pc...
Cat's Eye, balls, 10mm apricot Cord
Chalcedony White The ball 12mm, rope 40c...
Chalcedony White The ball 12mm, rope 40cm, 33 Stones
Desert Sand 6mm balls, facetted rope 40c...
Desert Sand 6mm balls, facetted rope 40cm
Desert Sand Balls 10mm facetted rope 40c...
Desert Sand Balls 10mm facetted rope 40cm, 38 stones
Desert Sand Balls 12mm facetted 40cm rop...
Desert Sand Balls 12mm facetted 40cm rope
Diopsid Round Facetted Balls 2mm Diamond...
Diopsid Round Facetted Balls 2mm Beads of decorative stones in the first gradeThe cord length approx. 34 cm.Price for a single ropeBlank - without fastening.Perfect for bracelets or necklaces on elastic.